Roasted coffee co.

Roasted Coffee Co. Hemp infused coffee brand identity and packaging design

Photo by @chapter1team

Roasted is a hemp infused coffee created for the “Low-THC” market to be sold in liquor or grocery stores along side other <0.3% THC products. However, don’t be fooled. Roasted contains a total of 5mg of THC within it’s 12oz of nitro cold brew.

Roasted Coffee Co. Hemp infused coffee brand identity and packaging design Logo Suite
Roasted Coffee Co. Hemp infused coffee brand identity and packaging design logo suite
Roasted Coffee Co. Hemp infused coffee brand identity and packaging design logo suite
Roasted Coffee Co. Hemp infused coffee brand identity and packaging design

The coffee beans used to brew Roasted’s nitro cold brew comes from the family owned farm based in Costa Rica, Pura Vida. Pura Vida also happens to share the same owner as Roasted itself. It was important to them to incorporate the existing etching illustration of their farm house in the visual identity, so I decided to use that as a starting point for some of the aesthetic choices including the “Etched” shadow in the primary logo.

Roasted Coffee Co. Hemp infused coffee brand identity and packaging design typography
Roasted Coffee Co. Hemp infused coffee brand identity and packaging design color palette
Roasted Coffee Co. Hemp infused coffee brand identity and packaging design illustration

We wanted to create some kind of cannabis leaf graphic as well, but thought it was important to match the style of the farm house as best as possible. The leaf ultimately landed here.

Roasted Coffee Co. Hemp infused coffee brand identity and packaging design illustration

The etching illustration of the Pura Vida farm house was provided, and required some minor tweaks to work in the Roasted identity, but overall stayed the same.

Roasted Coffee Co. Hemp infused coffee brand identity and packaging design
Roasted Coffee Co. Hemp infused coffee brand identity and packaging design website
Roasted Coffee Co. Hemp infused coffee brand identity and packaging design business Cards